
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

SURVIVOR: Nicaragua Ep.2

This episode of SURVIVOR was a bit interesting. After only 5 days in the jungle people really started to lose it and I loved every minute of it!

In team Espada, the older tribe, Jimmy J has become a clear leader and alpha male. Many people are OK with that but of course some of the guys aren't (such a typical male attitude when another man tries to take control). But strategically, it makes sense for him to put his neck out and have him later get voted off when people get sick of him, which I think won't be long. While we are on this tribe we need to address the craziness that Holly has been demonstrating. I mean she is totally freaking out. She threw out a bunch of snails that people were eating because she said their eyes were twitching and she said that snails are not edible (clearly she hasn't heard of Escargot). Crazy! Then she decides to get Dan's alligator shoes, put sand in them and then throw it in the ocean. CRAZY! Her reasoning behind the fact that she started to freak out was because she lied to Wendy and voted her out. But lying is part of the game, you don't see the Pope on the show! (Not like he hasn't lied, I'm just saying) But my favorite quote was given by Tyrone, "I'm gonna keep one eye on her and one eye on my shoes." Indeed my friend, indeed. But of course Jimmy J gives her a pep talk and all is better. aaaahhh

In team La Flor, Naioka (our sassy black girl) went a-wall when she couldn't find her sock. She flipped out and then took Fabio's extra pair. Now when Fabio (our ditsy, Mid-Westerner blond) wanted to ask her if she has taken his socks, Nay wilded out. Poor Fabio never stood a chance. You almost feel bad for him because clearly she is a dominating force but uh uh honey you were wrong.

In the challenge, La Flor in all their cheesiness (which I can appreciate) enters with their oh so threatening stomps, to meet team Espada. The reward is a choice between fishing gear or tarp and rope. The challenge is that 4 people need to crawl under ropes across a mud pile to find 4 balls in a hay stack. Then 3 people need to toss that ball amongst each other using a shield and then ultimately tossing it in a barrel. Now the older team gets a chance to use their advantage medallion which would already give them a ball in the barrel. Of course a no brainer they opt for this option and ultimately win and chose the fishing gear.

Once back at the tribe, Espada starts looking through their fishing gear and finds a clue to the immunity idol. Unfortunately for all of them, they were all together and everyone was out to get that idol. Bottom line, the red head goes to Marty and they find the idol together.

Back to La Flor, everyone is figuring out who gets voted off first. The big bad men, led by Shannon, as usual wants to keep the strategy of getting rid of all the women first and decide on Brenda because let's face it, she's a bit of a threat. Problem is Chase (Shannon's buddy) is totally crushing on Brenda. Now Nay and Brenda are talking of getting Shannon out because he is the ring leader. So they get on the minority band wagon and more or less tie with Shannon's pose. Here is my favorite part: Enter vagina power! Brenda goes to Chase and convinces him to go against his buddy and first ally Shannon. Chase of course is torn between friend and pussy. And let's get real, you know where his vote is going for.

At the tribal council, Chase like a boy about to go to the principals office spills all the beans about him being torn. Shannon gets all upset and even pushy, showing a whole new light to him. Turning a few people off from his original ally team- not a smart thing to do before everyone goes to vote! Then Nay of course goes off on poor Fabio and again he doesn't stand a chance next to Her Sassy Diva (yes, I think that's what I'm calling her). After a tight voting, Shannon was voted off. (Oh and if you were wondering about who Chase voted for, Shannon. Vagina Power!)

Can't wait to watch next weeks episode and see how La Flor unveils itself.